Approved Dual Accreditation Agencies
ACSI--Association of Christian Schools International
AASDAS--Accrediting Association of Seventh Day
Adventist Schools, Colleges, & Univ.
CSI--Christian School International
ICAA--International Christian Accrediting Association
ISACS--Independent Schools Association of Central States
MAIS--Mississippi Association of Independent Schools
NACS--National Alliance of Christian Schools
NCSA--National Christian School Association
NLSA--National Lutheran Schools Association
SAES--Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools
SAIS--Southern Association of Independent Schools
WELSSA--Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation
AASDAS--Accrediting Association of Seventh Day
Adventist Schools, Colleges, & Univ.
CSI--Christian School International
ICAA--International Christian Accrediting Association
ISACS--Independent Schools Association of Central States
MAIS--Mississippi Association of Independent Schools
NACS--National Alliance of Christian Schools
NCSA--National Christian School Association
NLSA--National Lutheran Schools Association
SAES--Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools
SAIS--Southern Association of Independent Schools
WELSSA--Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod School Accreditation